Sunday mornings begin at 9:30 AM with a wide range of age-appropriate Sunday School classes for ages 2-3 up to sixth graders, using Desiring God curriculum. We offer a youth Bible study for grades 7-12. Our adult Sunday School takes place at the same time in the back of the church sanctuary.
Worship service starts at 10:30 AM and runs for a little over an hour. We seek to be joyfully serious about honoring God in worship and desire to keep Jesus as the focus. We sing songs and hymns that focus on the gospel, pray, have communion (a few times a quarter), hear the Scripture read, and sit under expository preaching of the Word.
Dress is wide ranging, from casual to shirt and tie.
We are a child friendly church. Your kids are welcome (and encouraged!) to join you in the service. We also offer a nursery for children three and under. You can drop them off at the beginning of the service or just before the message.